Yesterday the new Worshipful Master was installed. He was lucky to see lots of friends from Queensman Lodge No. 2694 in London attend the ceremony. He was also well supported by his local lodge and one of the Assistant Sussex Provincial Grand Masters and his escort, so a good friendly evening was had by all.

Part way through the ceremony all brethren went upstairs to enjoy the refreshments provided by some of the wives and partners who were thanked by the new Master who presented the ladies with an orchid plant each.

After the meeting, and a rush to the festive board, those assembled enjoyed a fine three course meal and coffee. The usual speeches were made, the raffle completed and the Worshipfil Master’s ‘shell’ was passed around. Just over £700 was raised for charitable causes.

Now the work begins for the year’s programme which we are all looking forward to.

Independently, in the evening, some of the ladies gathered at the home of the Worshipful Master for a very enjoyable ‘wine and dine’ hot buffet which started with a sharing platter.