Be my valentine!
Love is all around you!
The newly appointed officers met with Lifeboat Coxswain, Mark Sawyer to have a look around the Eastbourne Lifeboat, Diamond Jubilee. Following a safety briefing they were shown the layout of the vessel and the extraordinary kit onboard. It was almost like a cockpit of an aeroplane!
There were lots of questions which Mark answered fully.
The fascinating session continued back in the boathouse. One of our group actually got to try some of the gear worn by the crews of the 1960’s. It just showed how things have progressed!
The event ended with tea/coffee/hot chocolate and delicious cake which had been made by a 97 year old supporter!
The generosity of the brethren present meant that enough money was donated in thanks to buy at least two more specialist torches from the crew’s all important wishlist. Those present thanked Mark and crew member Alan for their time and warm welcome. Thanks were also given to the two ladies who served the refreshments.